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Blogus Dungeonus Explorus

More additions to the store

We've added a few more product sets from the Fat Dragon Games Miniatures line!

This update has Goblins, Goblinoids, the Great Dragon, and some Dragon Eggs!

Aberrations Miniatures in the store!

We've added the Aberrations set of miniatures from Fat Dragon Games to the store.

This includes the Eyebeast, the Angry Ball of Eyes, two Octopus Warriors (and various weapons), three different Snake Warriors, a Five (5) Tentacle Monster, and the Trash Beast!

A few images...

Birthday Coupons

In honor of Chris's Birthday, we've updated the Account Information page to include birthdays, and if you give us yours (at sign up, or later) we'll send you a Birthday Coupon as a thank you.

Coupons will go out a couple days before the beginning of your birthday month, and be good for the entire month.

Coupons will change periodically, so chances are it won't be the same from year to year, but that's cool because EVERYONE LIKES SURPRISES on their birthday, Right??

Additional 3D Views

We have added 3D model support for Ultimate Dungeons Expansion set 5, 6, & 7. Additional sets will be added as time permits. (This is a fairly manual process.)

3D View

We have recently added the ability to view the rendered 3D model (in addition to photos) in the store.

When you are on an individual models detail page, if you see a green button, give it a click. You can rotate the model and zoom in/out to get a better look.

Not all models are availble yet, but keep checking back. If you see the green button, that means it is available.

Here is an example: 2x2 Dungeon Floor Tile

Shipping Costs Adjusted

We have revised our shipping cost estimation code and you will be pleased to see that in almost all cases, your shipping costs are now lower than ever.

We never profited on shipping charges, but now we have found ways to save you even more money.

As before, all shipments under 1 pound go via First Class Mail, and everything else goes via Priority Mail w/ Insurance.

We are still looking into integrating with UPS and FedEx but do not offer those services at this time.

Black Scrolls Games
We are in the process of adding miniatures from Black Scrolls Games to our store.

Colony Infestation
We have added the Colony Infestation Set from Hayland Terrain.

Orcus, Demon Lord
We have added Orcus, Demon Prince of Undeath to our store.

The Black Lake
We have added the Black Lake Set from EC3 Designs.

PayPal Service Restored
Business As Usual.

PayPal and Plastic merchant processing is live and working again. Thanks for your patience.

PayPal Service Outage
More like PayPal Service Outrage, amiright?

Trying to buy something? Apparently PayPal is having some issues right now, and your order might go through (or not), and the payment might show up in our account (or not). We are talking to them to see what can be done, but for now, just sit tight.

New Products Added
We have added the following sets from Fat Dragon Games.

Swamps of Sorrow
We have backed the Aether Studios "Swamps of Sorrow" Kickstarter and will be offering those models for sale once they are available.
Custom Painted Goremaw
Check out this custom painted GoreMaw we did for a client.

The Green Tide
We have backed the "Green Tide" Kickstarter and will be offering those models for sale soon.